
Biotechnology netherlands


As more people become aware of the importance of healthy food and the urgent need to tackle climate change, alternative protein sources such as plant-based and microbial alternatives are gaining popularity. However, methods for routine quality control of food products—particularly regarding their source, purity, and safety—have not kept pace with this growth. Consequently, issues like food fraud and accidental contamination often remain undetected, leading to serious economic consequences. More critically, they can result in health risks, including severe allergic reactions. In fact, up to 20% of people in Europe report food allergies, with plant proteins among the most common allergens.

Our startup addresses these challenges with an innovative software solution to enhance protein analysis for the authentication of food and raw materials. This enables and optimizes quality control of products, ultimately improving consumer confidence and safety.

Through the Biotech Booster program, ProteoT will advance its software and database solution for food and raw material analytics. The program will support us in transforming this innovation into a viable business case by building a strong entrepreneurial team, validating our technology, and accelerating our path to market

Project team

Pim Schaasberg, Martin Pabst, Arnaud Backbier

Project Number


Year granted



Delft University of Technology


€ 200.000


Agri- & Horticulture, Food & Beverages, ICT, Software & Cloud Services


Good health and well-being (SDG 3)

Thematic Cluster

TC2: Agriculture & Food


Year granted

Delft University of Technology


€ 200.000

Project funded

Introducing Jasper Dijkstra

In this series “Meet the people behind Biotech Booster” we introduce you to the passionate people who are involved in

Introducing Jasper Dijkstra

Introducing Bob Ignacio

In this series “Meet the people behind Biotech Booster” we introduce you to the passionate people who are involved in

Introducing Bob Ignacio

Introducing Eva Moreno Iglesias

In this series “Meet the people behind Biotech Booster” we introduce you to the passionate people who are involved in

Introducing Eva Moreno Iglesias

Event recap: Celebrating Project kick-offs

On December 9th and 10th we celebrated the kick-offs of the 50 Proof-of-Principle (Level 1) projects that joined the Biotech

Event recap: Celebrating Project kick-offs

Press release (Dutch) : Nederlandse Biotech-uitvindingen klaar voor race naar tastbare toepassing

Het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap (OCW) heeft aan 54 biotechnologische uitvindingen van Nederlandse bodem een financiële injectie toegekend,

Press release (Dutch) : Nederlandse Biotech-uitvindingen klaar voor race naar tastbare toepassing

Join the Pool of Entrepreneurs: open invitation

In our program we are bringing seasoned entrepreneurs and starting (academic) teams actively together to better align the scientific basis

Join the Pool of Entrepreneurs: open invitation

Biotech Booster helps us through funding and by providing us with a network to validate where we can make the best impact with our new analysis device.

Biotechnology netherlands

Carlos de Lannoy



What we look forward to most is leveraging the extraordinary network of Biotech Booster that we need to get foot in the market, get know-how, and understanding the competitive field which is necessary for setting up successful operations.

Biotechnology netherlands

Pim Schaasberg & Martin Pabst




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