Biotech Booster

Biotech Booster is a national program funded by the Dutch National Growth Fund that supports the commercialization of biotechnology findings in The Netherlands.

Biotech Booster Program

The Biotech Booster program offers mentorship, financial support and networking opportunities, to guide founders from the idea stage to developing an investable and commercial proposition.

The Biotech Booster Program


Level 0

Application stage


In Level 0, the founder and a Biotech Booster business developer will collaborate to generate a promising project idea


Any founder or scientist connected to a Dutch knowledge institute can apply, if they have an idea or technology that they are looking to bring to the market


You will get access to the right network, funding and expertise to accelerate the commercialization of your idea

Level 1

Proof-of-Principle stage


In level 1, five Thematic Clusters (TC’s) facilitate collaboration, connect people and provide financial support to early ideas to help you reach proof of principle


For projects that are scientifically promising and are ready for further validation to demonstrate practical feasibility and commercial potential


You will get access to the right network, funding and expertise to accelerate the commercialization of your idea

Level 2

Proof-of-Concept stage


In level 2, projects are developed and supported by a panel of seasoned entrepreneurs to grow into robust and investable proposals and reach proof of concept


For projects with a demonstrated proof of principle and are ready develop their product into a practical and commercially viable process or product


You will get access to the right network, funding and expertise to accelerate the commercialization of your idea.

Level 3

Scale-out phase


Successful projects from Level 2 can generate revenues through any form of scale-out, such as the founding of a start-up, a license deal or an asset sale


For any project that successfully completed Level 2


You will get access to the right network, funding and expertise to accelerate the commercialization of your idea.


Anyone with an innovative biotechnology project that is in the early stages of development can apply. In case you want to apply for Level 1, you need to be connected to a Dutch knowledge institute. If you are a scientist/founder who wants to bring their innovation to the market, you can apply here and one of our business developers will be in touch with you. 

Closed September, 2024

Find more info on our 2025 round here!

2026 onwards
To be determined

There are two different types of projects supported by the Biotech Booster program:

  • Proof-of-Principle (Level 1)

    An idea that could work on scientific grounds, but whose practical operation and commercial feasibility has yet to be demonstrated.

  • Proof-of-Concept (Level 2)
    Idea whose proof of principle has been demonstrated and that can be developed into a practicable and commercially feasible process or product.
1. Get in contact with the knowledge transfer office (KTO) of your knowledge institute, or apply your project yourself via this page.
2. You will be brought in contact with business/impact developer, with whom you will prepare your project application.
3. Your project application will be reviewed by a thematic cluster (TC) and might need a revision based on the feedback.
4. Once the project application is approved, you will prepare the budget and planning together with your business/impact developer.
5. The budget and planning will also be reviewed by the TC, and might need a revision based on the feedback.
6. Once the budget and planning are approved, your project will be evaluated by the TC.
7. With a positive score, the business developer will help you with submitting the project application at the grant supplier (DUS-I).

Fits within the objective of the scheme

Activities within the project are biotechnology or are relevant to biotechnology, fit in one of the thematic clusters and the project is based on an idea whose proof of principle has been demonstrated and that can be developed into a practicable process of product.

Social relevance

The outcome of the project has at least a small impact on a big social issue or a big impact on a small social issue and will meet needs of people and society

Degree of innovativeness

The project idea is new and innovative compared to what is currently present in the biotechnology field.

Commercial feasibility

Of the background knowledge, intellectual property, and trade secrets is described what is there, what will be developed and how it will be protected. The project has potential to be commercial feasible, based on market outlook, customer or investor interest and regulations.

Realistic planning

The planning and budget are realistic and in line with the proposed activities and deliverables.


The team has expertise and experience in the field required for the execution of the activities or will hire the missing expertise during the project.

1. Apply your project via this page.
2. You will be brought in contact with business/impact developer, with whom you will prepare the documentation and pitch for your application.
3. The Thematic Cluster will review all your documents, and you will have a “practice” pitch for them.
They will give you feedback and a recommendation on moving towards the official pitch for Panel of Entrepreneurs.
4. With a positive recommendation, you will further improve your documentation and pitch with help of your business/impact developer.
5. You will have your official pith in front of the Panel of Entrepreneurs who will assess the project based on the Biotech Booster criteria.
6. If the panel of entrepreneurs gives a positive assessment, Biotech Booster will submit the project to the grant supplier.

Fits within the objective of the scheme

Activities within the project are biotechnology or are relevant to biotechnology, fit in one of the thematic clusters and the project is based on an idea whose proof of principle has been demonstrated and that can be developed into a practicable process of product.

Social relevance

The outcome of the project has at least a small impact on a big social issue or a big impact on a small social issue and will meet needs of people and society

Degree of innovativeness

The project idea is new and innovative compared to what is currently present in the biotechnology field.

Commercial feasibility

Of the background knowledge, intellectual property, and trade secrets is described what is there, what will be developed and how it will be protected. The project has potential to be commercial feasible, based on market outlook, customer or investor interest and regulations.

Realistic planning

The planning and budget are realistic and in line with the proposed activities and deliverables.


The team has expertise and experience in the field required for the execution of the activities or will hire the missing expertise during the project.

Please sign up via this page and you will be contacted by one of our business developers for more information.


Biotech Booster helps us through funding and by providing us with a network to validate where we can make the best impact with our new analysis device.

Biotechnology netherlands

Carlos de Lannoy



What we look forward to most is leveraging the extraordinary network of Biotech Booster that we need to get foot in the market, get know-how, and understanding the competitive field which is necessary for setting up successful operations.

Biotechnology netherlands

Pim Schaasberg & Martin Pabst



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