The profound intensification of agricultural practices resulted in decreased soil health. In soil, microorganisms are crucial in ecosystem processes and are linked to soil and plant health and crop productivity. They facilitate nutrient uptake from soil to plants, augmenting plant growth and resilience to environmental stressors. The effort is therefore focused on steering soil microbial communities with appropriate agricultural practices as a resilient option for soil regeneration. Such, improving soil microbial life can accelerate soil regeneration and boost nutrient uptake, resulting in improved crop/food nutritional quality. This project aims to support and broaden existing soil microbial communities in Dutch soils with microbial species that the plant can recruit to promote nutrient uptake through synergistic properties with the crop. Re-introducing these microbes into the soils in form of biofertilizer can also promote soil microbial diversity and reduce phosphate leaching. The impact will be reflected in reduction of agro-chemicals needs and fostering agroecosystem resilience in the face of global challenges such as climate change and soil degradation.